Saturday, June 22, 2013


Nate has a panache for creating new words or his own pronunciation of words.  This post will be an ongoing work of some of his words. I wish I could remember all of them, but it's better late than never to start recording them!

1. Dramastic - a combination of dramatic and sarcastic (age 7)
2. Sumama Mooladin - Osama Bin Laden (age 8)
3. Skworwol - squirrel (age 6)
4. Chickidy deshay - means "awesome" - Nate's variation on something Jackie Chan said in The Spy Next Door (age 7)
5. Shimberly Limbers - what pirates say (I think he meant, "shiver me timbers") (age 8)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday, Darya!

This is her third birthday with our family - yay!  She is growing into such a beautiful little girl.  We love you, Darya!

The boys had their second annual piano recital last Thursday (a post on that to follow), and afterward we celebrated Darya's birthday.  The boys decorated her cake with colored marshmallows (it's a rainbow and flowers).  And the pictures of her in the dress were taken this afternoon after church.

 Dancing with Daddy

After church in the evening, some sweet young women brought some Elmo cupcakes and balloons for Darya.  Thanks Micaela, Kiara, Nora, and Shaina for making her birthday extra special!